Saturday 20 May 2023

Notice - Detailing the D3A1 by Ryan Toews

With the recent release of the Infinity Models 1/32 scale kit of the Aichi D3A1 attention is drawn to the excellent PDF 'Detailing the D3A1' by Ryan Toews as featured in this blog's sidebar and here. Please note that this PDF is not available from Aviation of Japan but can be requested direct from the author by clicking on the 'Request a copy' link in the sidebar. If you should encounter any problems using that please email me and I'll pass your request on to Ryan. 

Image credit: Profile and box art © 2023 Infinity Models 


WD said...

It's a great resource, thanks for the reminder.

Mark Smith said...

I'm with WD. There is so much Val information here, carefully gleaned and presented, that I've seen in no other publication. If building or considering a Val project, it will be a great help.

Spitfire said...

My kit has just arrived so this is a timely reminder to start searching the site for more information on the Val, I never thought that there would be a 1/32 scale Val though.

Baronvonrob said...

I am astounded that there is still not a single "new tool" version of such an iconic and historically important Japanese aircraft "Mr. Val" in "The One True Scale" 1/72 ?

Straggler 脱走兵 said...

Hi Rob

There is/was the Dragon/Cyber-Hobby kit of 2012 - expensive and inaccurate in parts, reviewed here in September 2013; and the Fujimi kit of 1985 with its ease of construction compromised by being designed to accommodate alternative parts for the D3A2 (in a separate kit). The Fujimi kit seemed 'recent' to me but it is now 38 years old. How time flies! The ZTS Plastyk kit of 2005 is a poor clone of the Fujimi. The Mistercraft kit of 2015 may be the same or a re-boxed genuine Fujimi as I have not examined it. I had hoped that Airfix would provide a new tool to complete a Pearl Harbor trio but no such luck so far.


Baronvonrob said...

Looks like Fujimi it is until further notice...are you listing Airfix, RS, AZ, Dora Wings, Clear Prop, etc.... Please :)
