Wednesday 29 December 2010

Japanese Biplane Models in 1/48th scale

Further to the display of his superb Ki-3 model at Telford, Peter Starkings has kindly shared these images of more wonderful models from his 1/48th Japanese biplane collection.

Ki-3 from Choroszy Modelblud resin kit


KDA-5 from Raccoon resin kit

Nakajima "Bulldog" Lindberg kit conversion

Ki-4 from Planet Models resin kit


Image credits: All photos ©2010 Peter Starkings


Ken Glass said...

Great job on your 3 bipe builds, Peter. More pix please.

Ken Glass

Mark Smith said...

Always beautiful work every time I see a photo of one of your models, Peter. Years ago you sent me a wonderful package of information re the Ki-15 in response to a simple request though you had never met me. I still have it - pulled it all out the other day when I was looking for something else - and it was the genesis of a longstanding interest in the type. Many thanks and keep building. And thanks for showing these off Nick.

Mark Smith

Joe Youngerman said...

Great stuff...wonderful to see these lesser known types built up so well!