Tuesday 17 November 2015

Al DuVal's Collection ~ Update

Back in February Aviation of Japan's Texas correspondent Mark Smith wrote a moving eulogy to his friend Al DuVal whose impressive collection of 382 1/48th scale model aircraft featured many Japanese subjects. At that time the fate of this fine collection was unknown but subsequently the Frontiers of Flight Museum in Dallas, Texas offered to provide a permanent home for it.  

Gary Seidel, the lead volunteer at the museum model shop, has now written to say how very happy the Museum was to acquire Al's collection and that the Curatorial Committee has now completed the installation of the showcases, registering and placing of the models. The lighting is still to be installed and a brief dedication is planned for 13 December with more details to follow. Gary kindly sent these images of the installation. It is a delight to see Al's fine collection permanently preserved and on show like this and a fitting memorial to a passionate modeller. Congratulations to Frontiers of Flight Museum and all those who helped to make it happen.

Image credits: © 2015 Gary Seidel, Frontiers of Flight Museum.