Tuesday 10 May 2022

Update - Arma Hobby Ki-84

Another hat tip to Warren for kindly providing a link to an in-box review of the 1/72 Arma Hobby Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate kit, with the link now added as an update to the original blog announcement

Also, thank you to all those who have kindly sent me alerts about the forthcoming Special Hobby Mitsubishi Ki-21 'Sally' kit in 1/72 scale. 


WD said...

Oh! I missed the SH Sally announcement! I must try to find that.

WD said...

Got my kits in, absolutely beautiful moldings.

Kevin Bade said...

Got my pair of Hayate straight from Arma factory and WOW the kit looks like the best 1/72 Ki-84 one could ask for. The surface detail is impressive, interior, wheel wells also. A winner!!

Ken Glass said...

I hope Special Hobby follows through on their Ki.21 kit.