Saturday 6 July 2013

Fujimi's Old Goshikisen ~ Here's One I Missed!

Back in February when I blogged a run-through and description of Fujimi's 1960s Ki-100 kit I missed this one which has recently come to notice. And very nice it is too, the unknown artist depicting Capt. Yasuhide Baba's '39' of the 5th Sentai racing through a hazy summer sky with a convincing rendering of the Ki-100 factory scheme of # 7 over natural metal finish. After re-organisation of the Sentai in March 1944 Capt. Baba served as the Hikotai leader until the end of the war. The box art shows the spinner as wholly red whereas photographs suggest that at one time the rear part was natural metal or perhaps white.

I don't know whether this boxing precedes or follows the K Hashimoto art versions but the '1/72' might be a clue as the first of those show '1/70'. The scan of the box art has also been added to the original blog for completeness.

Image credit: Box art © Fujimi Mokei Co. Ltd., circa 1960s 


Jacob Terlouw said...

Hi Nick,

Very nice boxart of that Fujimi Ki 100.
LS had not yet changed their kits to 1/72 scale in 1960.
Never seen this box before! Thanks for showing this one.


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I had one of those back in the early 70' s.

William Reece

Mark Smith said...

Beautiful painting, thanks, Nick. Over the years Japanese box art often seems to have 'shown the way' if we would have taken an artist at his word - or his paints. Like plastic molded in J3 decades ago, it's hard to think it's coincidence. So many of these boxes you have shown recently I don't recall ever seeing, though I used to haunt a place that had a lot of Fujimi Mokei stuff. But those were distributed in the US by Bachmann, and probably later issues than the boxes you are showing. Keep them coming, thanks.