Tuesday 11 October 2016

Airscale Japanese Instrument Decals in 3 Scales

Here's a good idea, with thanks to Aviation of Japan's Texas correspondent Mark Smith for the heads up. Japanese instrument decal sheets in three scales from airscale - 1/48, 1/32 @ £7.25 each and 1/24 @ £8.25. Just the thing for improving the cockpits of older kits like the Otaki/Arii 1/48 series, the venerable Hasegawa 1/32 Ki-43-II or those big Bandai kits. The sheets are printed for airscale by Fantasy Print Shop who in addition to selling their own and other ranges of decals printed in house offer a custom printing service for a minumum order of 25 A4 sheets.

A UK based company, airscale delivers worldwde, has PayPal checkout and also accepts credit cards. They also make generic photo-etch instrument bezels and cockpit components, as well as complete brass or decal instrument panels. Nothing Japanese as yet but the release of the Japanese instrument decal sheets bodes well. The Japanese instrument decals can be used with the generic photo-etch bezels. Or for that dwindling band of scratch-build plastic only modellers the decals can be laid on the kit panels with setting solution or the existing panel detail sanded off and a blank top panel made from plastic card with punch and die holes to lay over it. The rear panel can then be marked and the decals applied, the top panel added and the holes 'glazed' with clear gloss to present a 3D effect. On some older kits the representation of panel detail is incorrect or inappropriate to variant so these decals offer the opportunity to create correctly configured panels. 

(Aviation of Japan has no connection with airscale or Fantasy Print Shop and derives no benefit from mentioning their products.)

Image credit: © 2016 airscale


WD said...

Always nice to see some quality aftermarket products for Japanese a/c. Thanks for posting this Nick.


Ken Glass said...

Their 32nd scale sheet of Japanese instrument decals is similar and gorgeous.

Ken Glass