Saturday 1 October 2016


For those who have already purchased this PDF please note the following qualifying additions to the FS 595 colour values cited by Geoff Thomas (marked in the PDF with an asterisk) and update your copies. Some of these were missing from the original document and have now been added. In all cases the qualifying comments refer to the FS value and not to the original MAP/RAF colour.

Light Earth - 30257 @ 4.77 (lighter and yellower)

Ocean Grey - 26187 @ 5.68 (lighter and not blueish enough)

Medium Sea Grey - 36270 @ 2.96 (reflectivity is ok but not blueish enough)

Sky Grey - 36463 @ 1.23 (a close match just a little lighter)

Middle Stone - 30266 @ 4.33 (lighter and not yellowish enough)

Dull Red - 20152 @ 3.96 (brighter and too red)

Yellow - 33538 @ 3.87 (lighter and brighter)

If you prefer to have an updated copy just send me an email quoting the number on your copy.


Unknown said...

Hi, Nick! How can I order the whole thing? Fernando

Straggler 脱走兵 said...

Hi Fernando

Please send me an email using the contact box in the sidebar (scroll down to 'Contact Straggler'), thanks!


Ken Glass said...

Thanks for the update, Nick.

Ken Glass