Friday 11 October 2013

Ki-51 10th Dokuritsu Hikodan Shireibu

Following the blogpost about that Ki-51 over Miri artist Ronnie Olsthoorn has very kindly provided an excellent schematic of the markings on the aircraft.

Image credits: © 2013 Ronnie Olsthoorn


Mark Smith said...

Thanks for the beautiful artwork, Ronnie. There are so many interesting markings choices for Sonia, but I'd never seen this one. In one of the photos, the fuselage hinomaru looks badly worn or somehow defaced, in a way not usually seen even on very weathered airframes. A more unlikely possibility would involve a design of some sort, but one would think that a strange or even verboten location for it. Maybe one for the Fotoshop Experten?

Mark Smith

Anonymous said...

I have seen markings on a Ki-46 where the caption says it is an aircraft of the 10th Sentai. What's the difference between the 10th Sentai(regiment) and the 10th "Independent Air Brigade"?
