Here are the colour swatches for BS 481 # 389 Camouflage Beige aka "RAF Hemp" together with the closest standard Munsell and RAL values.
With grateful appreciation to Ken Glass for assisting with the Munsell fractional values.
Image credits: Rendered colour chips © Straggler 2008; RAF Nimrod images web
Hi, Nick!
Interesting. Are you suggesting that Hemp is a close call to A6M's colour?
Hi Fernando
Go here: http://www.straggleresearch.com/2008/11/zeke-hamp-and-hemp.html
The current colorimetric value of extant Zero artifacts is very close to the colorimetric value of RAF Camouflage beige ("Hemp").
I am not suggesting it. The colour science confirms it! You cannot make statements that "The current paint surface appearance of the Zero artifacts is close to 5 Y 6/2" and at the same time say "That colour is not similar to RAF Camouflage Beige (Hemp)" because they are!
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