Tuesday 13 October 2015

More Zeros! Danilo Renzulli's 1/72 A6M2 & A6M3

Inspired by recent Zero blogs here Danilo Renzulli has kindly shared these images of his own two Zero models in 1/72nd scale, both depicting slightly weathered finishes. The A6M2 is the second generation Hasegawa kit whilst the A6M3 is the more recent Tamiya kit. Both built OOB except for the addition of some cockpit and rivet detail.

Danillo tried to replicate the rivet texture on all surfaces and accepted the challenge of painting both models in the elusive amber-grey colour. The final result shows how tricky the colour is - just a change of light and the amber-grey immediately looks either a bit more greenish or more yellowish! He used a mix of Humbrol paints: - 28 Matt Camouflage Grey, 62 Matt Leather, 86 Matt Light Olive and 99  Matt Lemon without noting the proportions used, simply adding the various colours until satisfied with the appearance of colour in the jar. 28 played the major role being both of a light and warm grey hue.

The partial chalking effect here and there was achieved by replacing the grey paint with some White 34 in the above mixture, then dry-brushing the model with a flat soft brush. The same mixture was used to paint the fabric surfaces on the amber-grey base. The Hinomaru and all the coloured stripes were air brushed.

Danilo observes that the Tamiya kit is so well detailed that he only had to add a few photo-etched parts in the cockpit. He describes it as a fantastic model, going together with no problem and with no need for any putty at all, for the first time in his long modelling experience.

The models were weathered with a diluted mix of black and red, and a silver pencil. To avoid affecting the weathering and overall finish he didn't apply any protective coat or transparent varnish. The "no walk" and prop blades stripes were from some sheets of transfer lines that he has jealously kept since the 1970s!

With special thanks to Danilo for sharing these images of his excellent Zero pair.

Image credits: All © 2015 Danilo Renzulli


Mark Smith said...

Elegant and convincing model! I love the ground level shot from the front. Thanks for showing us this one.

WD said...

Again, thank you Nick for providing a venue for us to see the work of these great modelers. I appreciate their efforts and hope to use their methods in my own builds.


Danilo said...

Dear Mark and Warren,
thank you for your kind words. It is always a pleasure to share my work and my experiences with the friends of this invaluable blog. However I wish to underline how valuable to me is the work of other modelers - I always look at their model (and techniques) with great interest and admiration.
Thanks again to you all.
Danilo Renzulli

Unknown said...

Great work, Danilo .

Ken Glass