Saturday 1 November 2014

Happy Birthday Hello Kitty!

Hello Kitty first appeared on 1 November 1974 and Ronnie Olsthoorn flies a Ki-27 in commemorative birthday markings . . .

I had always assumed the slightly weird, anthropomorphic "cute" cats were a modern Japanese phenomenon, but recently I watched Sadao Yamanaka's engaging 1935 comedy 'Tange Sazan: The Million Ryo Pot' (Tange Sazan Yowa Hyakuman Ryô No Tsuro) which features surprisingly modern looking porcelain "cute" cats of all sizes as prizes in the archery booth.

Normal service will be resumed shortly . . .

Image credit: © 2014 Ronnie Olsthoorn


fugaku said...

very Japanese. presumably homeland defense markings, though could be nomonhan. :)

Ronnie Olsthoorn said...

One wonders what the pilot's flight suit and helmet look like...! ;)

Straggler 脱走兵 said...

A pink onesie and white fur flying helmet with cat's ears I should think. . .

Harold K said...

I SO admire Ronnie's work; but this is quite disturbing LOL.
As always, "any offence is purely intentional".