Sunday 12 February 2017

Sword 1/72 Kawasaki Ki-102b

Hat tip to Bill Sanborn for kindly alerting me to this new Kawasaki Ki-102 Otsu kit "coming soon" from Sword models. Another one to look forward to! 

The colour profiles suggest markings for three aircraft but the colours as presented are not typical. 'Randy' would have been dressed in the late-war olive drab, probably with spinners to match, with a possibility that night fighters were painted overall in the very matt finish of  # 38 Noh An Kasshoku  (濃暗褐色 - deep dark brown colour). a dark brownish black or caput mortuum hue applied to some Toryu night fighters. That was similar to a special night finish developed in Germany by Dr Kurt Herberts & Co., consisting of a dead black pigment combining ferrous oxide with magnesium oxide, mixed with small amounts of zinc yellow and black oxide (in dark red form).

Imagre credits: All © 2017 VISION SWORD s.r.o.


Bill Gilman said...

I hope this truly is a new tool, and not just a re-release of the old Pavla kit. Sword has done some really nice work lately, and a modern new tool of the Ki-102 would be great!

Straggler 脱走兵 said...

Hi Bill
I presume this will be a new tool as it is AZ Models who have the ex-Pavla moulds. AZ also announced a Ki-102 some time ago but perhaps they have had second thoughts with the prospect of this Sword kit being released?

Bill Gilman said...

I hope you're right, Nick. AZ and Sword have collaborated in the past though, so it will be good to see the plastic. I wonder what else they have in store for us? This one was a surprise, to me at least!

R. Vieira said...

This is very good news. I am hoping for a new tool kit too. Fingers crossed!


Steve Metz said...

Awesome I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill . Do you have a color reference for this late war color you cite ?

Might as well start looking now,since I want to build one .

Regards, Christian

Straggler 脱走兵 said...

Do you mean me - or Bill?

Bill just alerted me to the kit. I wrote the colour commentary above and author this blog!

And which colour do you mean, the late war olive drab or the very dark brown?

Regards, Nick

Ken Glass said...

Thanks for this notice, Nick.

Ken Glass