Sunday 22 March 2015

Ki-64 'Rob' in Progress ~ John Haas

John is making faster progress on his scratchbuilt Ki-64 'Rob' than I am in updating this blog! Here is the concurrent second part of his progress to date.

The building of the model proceeded well after some difficulties with the canopy. Even the prop went together without the usual difficulties. Now that the undercarriage is installed all is coming John is pleased with the results and yet there is still a lot to do. The next stage will be Rub 'n Buff treatment to make the metal finish more realistic, then the addition of the Hinomaru insignia and giving the panel detail more depth with some drawing and colour pencils. 

John was curious about the overall dimensions of 'Rob', so photographed the model in situ with an old Ki-61 Hien model built from the 1/48th scale Otaki (now Arii) kit.

Image credits: All photos © 2015 John Haas

1 comment:

Dan Salamone said...

All I can say is, beautiful work on a beautiful aircraft model.
